断断续续看了两个晚上才看完观看期间脑细胞死了数十万个完全跟不上斯拉沃热·齐泽克的节奏头疼╯▂╰这应该是要一边看一边拿笔记下他说的话并查阅相关书籍才能明白的纪录片不是卖弄发光的现代史动画片是真正的言之有物啊如果再往深了讲这片可以延出几十部相关纪录片 我有一种想把这部电影的剧本台词全抄下来的念头刚翻了下豆瓣这部纪录片的影评已经有人摘抄了
Rewatched in May 2021. Being a Philip K. Dick adaptation, the story that Minority Report tells is compelling and raises deep political questions - ones that are not as futuristic as they may have seemed on their first publication. The richness of the scenario is such that the film contains two interrelated plots that could have been made into two separate full-length movies that both deliver in their own right. The logic of the occurring events and their plausibility within the boundaries of the film will keep you wondering if there isn't anything amiss in terms of holes & inconsistencies, but everything checks out perfectly at the end of the day.